Method 1: Using the Store Toolkit and Store Exporter UI (the easiest!)
Store Exporter Deluxe supports the exporting of custom Post meta through the Store Exporter screen by filling each custom meta key on a new line within text boxes on the Export screen. Our Store Toolkit Plugin (available for free from the WordPress repository) lists all of the custom Post meta assigned to Products/Orders/Coupons/Users so that you can simply click a “Add to export” button beside the custom Post meta you wish to include in exports. Here’s how you can do this:
- Download and install WooCommerce Store Tookit from
- Activate WooCommerce Store Toolkit within your store
- Open up the Edit Product screen for a Product, Order or User
- Scroll down to the Product Post Meta section
- Click the “Add to export” button beside the custom Post meta you wish to include in exports
- Open up the Quick Export screen and your new field will be ready to export
Method 2: Using the Store Exporter screen UI
Store Exporter Deluxe supports the exporting of custom Post meta through the Store Exporter screen by filling each custom meta key on a new line within text boxes on the Export screen. We support the following different export types:
- custom Product meta
- custom Order meta
- custom Order Item meta
- custom User meta
- custom Customer meta
- custom Product-Addons
Our custom meta support works by fetching the ‘meta key’ of a given Product/Order/Order Item/User/Subscription/Brand, etc., what this means is you will need to identify the meta key as it is stored in the WordPress database in order for it to be exported. Our free Store Toolkit Plugin adds meta boxes to the Add/Edit Product/Order/User/Brand/Category, etc. screens of your e-Commerce platform to make it easy to identify custom meta keys for exporting.
Our Store Toolkit Plugin adds a new meta box displaying all of the Post meta keys assigned to a Product/Order, etc.
Enter each custom field meta key on a new line within the Custom Products
To add your own custom fields to the Export Fields list for a given export type do the following:
- Identify the custom Post meta key (or Order Item meta key) using Store Toolkit
- Open the WooCommerce > Store Export > Quick Export screen and select the export type you want to add the custom field for
- Enter each custom field meta key on a new line in the Custom Products/Order/Order Item text box under Custom Fields
- Click Save Custom Fields
- Select the export type you want to export and check the new custom export fields
Here’s an example using the PayPal Transaction ID that is assigned to Orders paid via PayPal:
- The custom Post meta key where the PayPal Transaction ID is saved is called: _transaction_id
- Open the WooCommerce > Store Export > Quick Export screen and select the Orders export type
- Enter ‘_transaction_id’ into a new line within the Order meta textbox under Custom Order Fields
- Click Save Custom Fields
- Check the new Transaction ID Order export field to include it in your export
Exporting custom Product Add-ons
Store Exporter Deluxe out of the box detects Global Product Add-ons added via the Products > Global Product Add-ons screen when you have installed and activated WooCommerce Product Add-ons. We cannot however automatically detect custom Product Add-ons (aka per-Product Product Add-ons), that doesn’t mean it is hard to inform our Plugin about these fields, do the following:
- Open the Edit Product screen for a Product which has custom Product Add-ons assigned to it
- Switch to the Add-ons tab within the Product Data meta box
- Within each Addon Group note down the Group Name (case sensitive)
- Open the WooCommerce > Store Export > Quick Export screen and select the Orders export type (previously this was under the Products export type)
- Enter each Group Name noted above into a new line in the Custom Product Add-ons text box under Custom Order Fields
- Click Save Custom Fields
- Select either the Product or Order export type check the new custom Product Add-on fields
Exporting custom Extra Product Option fields
Our support for Extra Product Options goes above what we can offer for Product Add-ons as we scan existing Orders for EPO data and populate the export field listings based on what we find. If you need to export an EPO detail that hasn’t been included in an existing Order then you’ll need to do the following:
- Open the Edit Product screen for a Product which has custom Extra Product Option details assigned to it
- Switch to the TM Extra Product Options tab within the Product Data meta box
- Within each element note down the Label or Element ID if Label is empty (case sensitive)
- Open the WooCommerce > Store Export > Quick Export screen and select the Orders export type
- Enter each Label or Element ID noted above into a new line in the Custom Extra Product Options text box under Custom Order Fields
- Click Save Custom Fields
- Select the Order export type check the new custom Extra Product Options fields
Exporting custom User details linked to Orders
- Open up WooCommerce > Store Export > Quick Export from the WordPress Administration
- Set the Export Type to Users
- Scroll down to Custom User Fields and under Custom User meta enter the custom User meta name (e.g. _phone_number)
- Hit Save Custom Fields
- Switch over to the Orders export type
- Under Order fields you should see a new Phone number export field that will pull the User’s phone number detail where a User ID is linked to an Order
- Hit Export