Visser Labs – WooCommerce Plugins

Store Exporter

Store Exporter is a free export Plugin for WordPress that enables store owners to bulk export store details into simple formatted files.

The Pro upgrade to Store Exporter Deluxe unlocks additional business features of this free Plugin.

Supported export types include:

  • Products
  • Categories
  • Coupons
  • Users
  • Orders (*)
  • Customers (*)
  • Coupons (*)
  • Shipping Classes (*)
  • Subscriptions (*)
  • Product Vendors (*)
  • Submissions (*)



  • [vl_platform_icon platform=”woocommerce”] WooCommerce (up to [vl_woo_version])
  • [vl_platform_icon platform=”jigoshop”] Jigoshop (up to [vl_jigo_version])
  • [vl_platform_icon platform=”exchange”] Exchange (up to [vl_exchange_version])
  • [vl_platform_icon platform=”wp-e-commerce”] WP e-Commerce ( through [vl_wpsc_version])


The latest release of Store Exporter can be downloaded from WordPress Plugins ( or here on this page.


Looking for support, a copy of the readme, Plugin updates, Ideas or usage instructions? Check out our Documentation for Store Exporter.

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  1. Julian Delgado

    Hello, great plugin!

    I had installed WooCommerce – Store Exporter, I’m using Woocommerce Booking system, I saw the options and looking forward to get the Deluxe version, but I have a question here, I’m using Woocommerce accommodations extension, and I need to export Availability Rules and Rate Ranges. Will this be possible with the Deluxe options?


    • Michael Visser

      Hi Julian, thanks for asking. Open up a Support ticket after Checkout and we’ll get native export support added for that Plugin, it sounds like an easy integration! 🙂

  2. Nick


    This is actually a support request. I don’t have an account with Visser so I can’t put in a request on the support page. One of my sites uses the Store Exporter – WooCommerce plugin and recently, I have been unable to download all of the records at once in one file. Instead, I’ve had to break it up into 3 or so segments (for 6000 records). Is this a new limitation of the plug in? Is there a way to contact support about this?


  3. omid

    Are your plugin support this item ?

  4. Tim

    Hi Sirs/Gals,

    This is a pre-purchase question:

    I was wondering if on export that the export would include the featured images from woocommerce products?

    The reason I am asking is because on the screenshot of what items to include on export, I did not see image(s).

    Could you please clarify?

    Thanks and appreciate your time,


  5. Felipe

    Does it really work correctly with TM Extra Product Options?? I have some extra field in orders that i would like to be exported in columns like the other fields.

  6. Ronnie

    Hi There,

    I am currently using your exporter and was hoping you could tell me if there is a way to change the variation number in ‘product name’ to the actual variable name (colour, size etc.)?

    At the moment I am using the free version and it just displays the product variation as Variation #71746 of “product name”

    Does the deluxe version change this? or will this always happen (as it seems a bit pointless if I have to go in manually and search the variation number every time)?

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Ronnie, recent Plugin update’s to Store Exporter Deluxe does this! 🙂

      (Fished your comment out of the spam filter)

  7. Ventura Pino

    Hi all, the products add-ons can be also exported?

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Ventura, we do support Product Add-ons but are currently limited to exporting saved Product Add-ons values where the meta key doesn’t include the Currency and Price (e.g. wc_addon_$25.00), I’m working on a resolution for full compatibility as part of our further integration of both Extra Product Options and Product Add-ons.

  8. Ian

    Store exporter is causing my site to have a redirect loop problem. I couldn’t access my admin. When I renamed the plugin folder everything is back to normal. Things were working fine until yesterday.

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Ian, spooky, that’s not normal at all. Can you e-mail me at [email protected] with the version of our Plugin you are using so we can look at this together on Monday morning 🙂

  9. Luca Baroffio


    I’d like to buy the premium extension of Store Export and use this plugin on a multisite wordpress install. Is it possible? What about licenses?
    I will also need to extract custom fields from Users and Orders. I saw that it is possible to add custom meta keys in the plugin configuration, but i could not test such functionality since I do not have a premium account. Once I configure the custom fields to be extracted, will they be saved for future extractions or do I need to add them any time I want to extract the data?


    • Michael Visser

      Hi Luca, to be honest we’ve not tested against WP multisite installs so if we need to optimise our Plugin for it then please let us know. I’m working with another customer on this topic this week.

      Regarding licensing please just be fair, you don’t have to license every individual store you use but please respect that supporting this Plugin takes time (dev and support) and this is a full-time commitment.

      You can add custom Product/Order/Order Item/User meta under Export Options on the Export screen, these custom meta are saved for future exports and used to populate export fields within different export types (e.g. a custom User meta might show within the Customer and Order export, visa versa, etc.) 🙂

  10. John

    Pre-sale questions:
    Can the pro version create an rss feed and show the following for each woocommerce product:
    Title/Product Name; Description; Regular Price; Sales Price; Sale End Date; Location (e.g Brisbane, Sydney); Vendor; Featured Image; Total Sales.

    Thank you

    • Michael Visser

      Hi John, our Pro Plugin can generate an RSS feed and does support most of your fields but I’d need to check with you via Support as to how you store your Sale End Date, Location and Vendor data. If our Plugin doesn’t suit your needs we can process a refund immediately so once you’re through Checkout and have tried our Plugin please contact at Support regarding the above query 🙂

      • John

        Thank you Michael, it is appreciated.
        Let’s have a go : )

        Kind Regards

  11. Alex-83

    Hi guys,

    I’ve bought the plugin from you and it’s taking forever for you to reply to something very simple.
    For some reason your “paid version” of the plugin “Store Exporter” doesn’t allow me to export .xml files through FTP.
    And I need it to work a.s.a.p. especially since I paid for it.

    Can you please reply a.s.a.p. or refund my money so I can buy the same type of plugin from a different company where the developers reply more quickly?

    Thank you.

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Alex, I responded to your ticket yesterday, have you received an e-mail in your Inbox? I have responded to your additional tickets raised in the past 24 hours this morning. In summary, we do support exporting XML files via FTP using the scheduled export functionality within our Plugin, our export trigger for new Orders does not support FTP at this time. Please note future aggressive messages will be blocked.

  12. stacey

    Pre-sales question: I need to download a spreadsheet with a column for the product name, SKU, parent categories with the subcategories populating the parent category column… is that possible?

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Stacey, our Products export type will handle this 🙂

  13. Andrew

    I am wanting to get all my orders into excel via csv. The plugin I downloaded only included the order date but I need to sort by delivery date. Does your plugin enable me to do this?

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Andrew, what Plugin are you using to add support for the Delivery Date field? We’re always hunting for new Plugins to integrate into our exporter, open up a Premium Support ticket and we can look at this together 🙂

  14. Mike

    Hi Michael

    Is it possible to export single cvs file that includes all of the orders/ order fields, woo subscription fields and some additional preferences saved by the WP Members plugin in the user profile ?

    Many thanks

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Mike, responded via Facebook Page too. The Subscriptions export type combined with User fields (e.g. User shipping/billing) will export the data you need. At this time we haven’t tied in Order fields into the Subscriptions export type but that could be easily done using the exposed WordPress Filters within our Plugin.

      • Mike

        Thanks very much Michael, this really is an awesome plugin at a very good price compared to the Order/Customer cvs export by WooThemes that really does not do a tenth of what you plugin can do 🙂

  15. Alham

    Hi, this seems to be a great plugin… I just hope it can be applicable to my type of site… I have a woocommerce with marketplace plugin… The site has multiple merchants, will this work on my plugin? Can the admin generate reports for the whole site? How about the merchants, will they be able to generate reports by themselves using this plugin? Thanks in advance for your answer… Regards.

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Alham, we are adding support for new Plugins as we discover them – see our supported Plugins list – open up a support ticket with us and the Plugin you’re using for maintaining merchants and we’ll look at it together 🙂

  16. foxhounds

    Dear all,

    I am looking for a plugin that allows exporting !!and!! importing the orders, users, products etc. and afterwards importing it to a new woo commerce installation. Is this doable? I need a solution here since we are building a new shop where we would like to import all the orders we received while reconstructing a new page.

    Thanks in advance for your help!


    • Michael Visser

      Hi foxhounds, WooCommerce Reviews doesn’t support replies so you’ll need to ask on our Facebook Wall to follow this up.

      Regarding exporting, our Store Exporter Deluxe will export them out but importing isn’t doable, we’re working as hard as we can to get our Store Importer Deluxe Plugin to market and that supports Products, Orders, Users, etc. but it’s due next quarter now that we’ve migrated to WooCommerce and got Store Exporter Deluxe running smoothly. I’d look at running an SQL query to export the Orders, Order post meta and Order Items and import them into your new store in the interim.

  17. alex77

    Pre-sales Question.

    It’s possibile export to a file an order just made?
    I need to send a single order to a software billing management.

    • Michael Visser

      Hi alex77, we do support exporting single Orders by passing the Order ID as part of a CRON URL request, see our Usage document for more information on formatting the URL.

      We’re working on adding ‘Export all Orders since last export’ and export on new order received support for a future Plugin update; it’s in the queue! 🙂

  18. wolfman

    Hello and contratulations for this great plugin. I’ve translated it in french today. Feel free to download this translation here :

    Best Regards,

    • Michael Visser

      Hi wolfman, you’re a legend. I’ll add that translation file to the Plugin’s next update and send some beer donations I’ve been given, I’ll be in touch 🙂

  19. aidanodr


    I have an old woocommerce site with about 100 products. I want to export out all the woocommerce products, pictures etc and import all back into a new install updated website. At the moment we are using woocommerce as a catalogue system ONLY, no sales etc – all that is turned off.

    To do the above I assume I need Store Exporter plugin and then also Product Importer plugin??

    Do i need the pro version of either or both to do the above??

    I have no issue with buying if I need to ..

    • Michael Visser

      Hi aidanodr, you can export and import your Products minus images out of WooCommerce using our free exporter and importer however the Premium versions support Featured Image and Product Gallery images for Products.

      If you buy a copy of PID I will assign a free copy of SED – send me an e-mail at [email protected] – until we get our store migrated from Jigoshop to WooCommerce and can offer Product Bundles. 🙂

  20. CLewis

    Hi, I was looking through your forum and found this comment asking if you can use the Store Exporter to export of all of the customers who have purchased a particular product.

    You replied that it was on the list for a future update (maybe 1.7.6) and it would be possible to by adding filtering Orders by Product then apply the same rules to filtering Customers by Product. 🙂

    I’m checking to see if you’ve implemented this feature yet? We’re using Woocommerce if that makes a difference.

    • CLewis

      We’re also open to purchasing Store Exporter Deluxe if it can do this.

    • Michael Visser

      Hi CLewis, we did make progress on adding filtering by Products support, this is limited to the Orders export type.

      For detailed Customer purchases this is better suited to reports and has been added to Store Reports (

      • CLewis

        That’s great news! Could we get a sample report (customer by product within a date range) to show our client so they can confirm that’s what they are looking for? Or do you have a test server?

  21. amediadesign

    I see that store exporter deluce can export Products Categories Tags Brands Orders Customers Users Coupons Subscriptions Product Vendors Shipping Classes. In importer deluxe is possible to import these parts?
    I need to move my woocommerce store to another database.

    • Michael Visser

      Hi amediadesign, not yet, we’ll announce our new importer when it’s ready, in the interim I recommend looking at doing a database migration then re-generating the Permalinks for all Posts/Products, etc.

  22. Branmatt


    Is there any way to choose specific products that I would like to export? I don’t want to export everything from my store, but I still want to be able to pick and choose products listed in my store to export them all together in a CSV file.

    Thank you!

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Branmatt, Filter Products by Name and SKU for the Products export will be added in the next minor Plugin update 🙂

  23. rorymheaney

    Pre-Sale questions here:

    Will the plugin export all the product data such as the type of product (composite for example), and then would it export all of that products data (compositions)?

    If so, does it import those successfully? WooCommerce export/import doens’t seem to grab that information so if this plugin does then I am sold!

    • Michael Visser

      Hi rorymheaney, are you using attributes to manage the types of Products? If you can clarify what you’re referring to with screenshots of a sample Product I can respond in detail 🙂

      • rorymheaney

        Hey Michael,

        Appreciate the follow up.

        Here are links to the describe what I am talking about. There’s 2 images of the product type, and 1 of the attributes. I am most concerned about moving over the actual product type and how that is set up

        • rorymheaney

          It appears as though it needs to export the custom fields as well?

        • Michael Visser

          Hi rorymheaney, you’ll need to raise a Premium Support ticket to follow this up further as you’re using Composite Products ( which I don’t have a copy of to integrate. Short answer is it’s doable but due to the complexity of that Plugin it will take some time to impliment, test and release so it’s a 2015 feature.

      • rorymheaney

        Did the comments below help?

  24. Philipp

    Sorry first for my bad english…. Is it possible that we can export for a produkt order all the names and the email adress and other customizable tables, from all the people that buy a produkt, in a excel sheet? I need this information urgently for reporting and Newsletter…

    Thanks and best regards

    • Michael Visser

      Hi Phil, we will be adding Filter Orders by Product and Filter Customers by Product in the new year , this will be available in Store Exporter Deluxe 🙂

      • Philipp

        Hi Michael,thanks for your answer. Is it possible that you say how long that it goes? You have a release date? you have possibly a Beta version of this function right now, if its yes is it possible that i can buy this?

  25. nniikkhhii

    Good day. Want to buy Store Exporter Deluxe, and test Store Exporter. When importing problems with the coding of the Cyrillic text. In the settings (export+import) tried to change the encoding to windows-1251, KOI8-R, UTF-8 (default). The encoding of the base site is UTF-8. How to solve the situation? Thank you.

    • Michael Visser

      Hi nniikkhhii, are you able to create standard Products within WooCommerce using Cyrillic text? If not then the database tables likely need to be re-encoded. If you are able to then it’s an encoding issue on our end, are you getting corrupt exports or just issues re-importing those Products, I couldn’t tell if you were using our basic Product Importer or Product Importer Deluxe?

  26. coldneck

    It doesn’t export product descriptions. I’ve tried different settings. What is it that I’m doing wrong?

    • Michael Visser

      Hi coldneck, are you using the basic Store Exporter or Store Exporter Deluxe, also what version of our Plugin do you have and what Platform are you using (e.g. WooCommerce?)

  27. jhob

    Hi there,

    I am considering this plugin (or the premium version) to use so that I can:

    * Develop a woocommerce addition to an existing site on a staging area
    * Export the woocommerce products and settings from the staging site and then import them onto the live site (an existing wordpress install).

    Would that be possible with this plugin?

    • Michael Visser

      Hi jhob, for export we have you covered but import is limited to Products only at this time, we will announce Store Importer Deluxe when it is ready 🙂

      • jhob

        Have you any idea when Store Importer Deluxe might be ready?

        • Michael Visser

          This month for sure, there are some major changes happening here 🙂

  28. riadb

    Hi Michael,

    I have checked all product fields and exported my woocommerce products into Shopify, but It did export my short descriptions to Shopify. All of my product descriptions are in the product short description. Why did it not export the short descriptions?

    Please let me know how to solve this.


    • Michael Visser

      Hi riadb, for the Product export type we support exporting the Description (ala post_content column) and Excerpt/Product Short Description (ala post_excerpt column), is it possible you are using a Plugin for WooCommerce to maintain your additional Product text boxes? You can install our free Store Toolkit Plugin to see the custom Post meta assigned to the Product and confirm if this is the case or not. You are welcome to raise a Premium Support ticket with us to follow this up with you 🙂

  29. FHCOnline Ltd


    I cannot seem to process payment of the deluxe version via paypal. Is there another way that I can do it please?



    • Michael Visser

      Hi Robin, send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I’ll sort this out with you 🙂

  30. simpleandcleandesign

    Hi Michael,

    I uploaded store exporter to a site using woo commerce so that I could generate a csv file to use as a template with the woo commerce product importer deluxe.

    But the store exporter informed me that it doesnt work with woo commerce and that the deluxe version is needed.

    Do you have a sample CSV file for woo commerce that has all the fields in there so that I can start to build the import csv file ready to use with the product importer. (Im not sure what the names are for all the fields I need to set up)

    Also I am running the Yoast SEO plug in and want to include all of the SEO fields in the product import CSV is there any documentation on this as regards to what the fields are named?

    I made another post earlier today with a question regarding the product importer deluxe.

    Many thanks and blessings!

    Carl 🙂

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