Store Toolkit supports triggering ‘nuking’ via a command line request, to do this you need to prepare a specific URL and pass it the following required inline parameters.
Supported arguments
- action: woo_st-cron
- type: Replace with the dataset type you wish to be deleted, allowed dataset type values are listed below. (Defaults to empty)
- key: If the secret key is filled by the store owner then only matching keys will result in a successful nuke. (Defaults to empty)
Sample CRON nukes
The following sample will delete all all Product Tags and return a 1 (successful) or 0 (failed) to the browser, no secret key is set for the store in this case.
The same nuke as above but with a matching key provided by the store owner (e.g. 00000-00000-00000-00000
Allowed values
- product
- product_category
- product_tag
- product_brand
- order
- user
- coupon
- tax_rate
- download_permission
- credit_card
- google_product_feed
- post
- post_category
- post_tag
- link
- comment
- media_image